On Thursday April 22, the webinar of KC Accounting/ FinExpertiza Netherlands took place, where a Business advisor/ Accountant Rutger Koelewijn participated as invited speaker.

During the event the speaker discussed the advantages of non-public companies under the Dutch GAAP compared to companies under IRS. Also Rutger defined a company Small Size under Dutch GAAP, discussed its advantages compared to Medium Size and Large Size and compared to IFRS. Next, the speaker named the exemptions under Dutch GAAP and introduced a real life case followed by two examples from his professional practice. Finally, an expert answered the questions from the audience.

Find out more: 

A Business Advisor / Accountant, Rutger Koelewijn :

Email: [email protected]

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rutgerkoelewijn/


Website:  https://www.kcaccounting.nl/

Instagram: @kclegalnl

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/KClegal-102704054960417

LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/company/70982171/admin/


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