* We are KC Legal


Kraaijeveld Coppus Legal is the            go-to international boutique tax firm located in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

We offer top-tier tax advisory services for international corporate groups, private equity funds and (ultra) high net-worth individuals with cross-border operations. Our team of international tax specialists consists of experienced tax lawyers and tax attorneys, who provide a hands-on approach and are fully equipped to tackle all challenges of the international tax practice.

The ongoing, economic and political developments require multinational groups not only to optimize their organizational structures sbut also to rationalize and align corporate tax planning with economic reality. KC Legal can aid and provide guidance in this transparent international tax environement.

KC Legal Tax Advisory

Our team of international tax specialists consists of experienced tax lawyers and tax attorneys, who provide a hands-on approach and are fully equipped to tackle all challenges of the international tax practice.

KC Legal Tax Compliance

The international tax transparent environment pushed by globalization and increased tax compliance regulations present challenges for all sorts of organizations. Maintain control with our Tax Compliance services.



Don’t let the rapid pace of business frustrate control of your financials. Our affiliated firm KC Accounting can manage your accounting and provide the management reports your organization needs to maintain course of business.


* Latest updates

Revised Draft Legislation Of The Russian Tax Code

On 27 May 2014 the Russian Ministry of Finance published a revised draft of amendments to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, introducing controlled foreign corporation (CFC) regulations, “thin capitalization rules” and the concept of “effective place of...

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New Tax Arrangement For The Netherlands And Curacao

On 10 June 2014, the proposed new bilateral arrangement for the avoidance of double taxation for the Netherlands and Curacao (the “TNC”) was presented to Dutch Parliament. The TNC shall replace the current Tax Arrangement of the Kingdom and is expected to enter into...

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Updated Decrees On APAs, ATRs And Substance Requirements

On 12 June 2014, five Decrees were published by the Dutch Underminister of Finance replacing the current 2004 Decrees on Advance Pricing Agreements (“APA”), Advance Tax Rulings (“ATR”) and “Substance Requirements”. Although the Decrees have affect as per 13 June 2014,...

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